ProQuest Submission Steps
A thesis submitted for the PhD in Psychoanalytic Studies TITLE: HUMAN RIGHTS PRACTITIONERS’ APPROACH TO REFUGEES AND Researcher: Federica Micoli Psychosocial & Psychoanalytic Studies University of Essex Date of submission for examination: 12 May 2 To Etagene, Daniel, Rahel, James, Prisca, Tesfai, Celse, David, Aminata, · In connection with submitting the thesis, PhD students must: Format your thesis according to the formatting guidelines. Register your thesis in VBN at: blogger.com Send an e-mail to Aalborg University Press, regarding choice of front pageEmail: aau@blogger.com Thesis Research Data Submission. All students are required to deposit the underlying data for their thesis in accordance with the University’s Research Data Management Policy. As part of your Data Management Plan (DMP), submitted at each progression review, you should discuss with your main supervisor whether your data can be

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• If the Thesisis declared eligible for award of the PhD degree, twohardbound copies of the Thesishave to be submitted to the Academic Division within one monthof the viva-voce examination, after incorporating the corrections suggested by the examiners. • The Guide and Co-guides have to be given a final copy of the blogger.com Size: 72KB Submission of the final thesis/dissertation must be within 60 days of the final exam. Students who miss the 60 day submission deadline are ineligible to register in future terms A thesis submitted for the PhD in Psychoanalytic Studies TITLE: HUMAN RIGHTS PRACTITIONERS’ APPROACH TO REFUGEES AND Researcher: Federica Micoli Psychosocial & Psychoanalytic Studies University of Essex Date of submission for examination: 12 May 2 To Etagene, Daniel, Rahel, James, Prisca, Tesfai, Celse, David, Aminata,

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Thesis Research Data Submission. All students are required to deposit the underlying data for their thesis in accordance with the University’s Research Data Management Policy. As part of your Data Management Plan (DMP), submitted at each progression review, you should discuss with your main supervisor whether your data can be Submission and examination of your thesis is the culmination of years of hard work. Ensuring that you plan for the submission of the thesis and understand the deadlines, requirements for presentation and binding and key stages of the process will help to reduce the stress associated with thesis submission A thesis submitted for the PhD in Psychoanalytic Studies TITLE: HUMAN RIGHTS PRACTITIONERS’ APPROACH TO REFUGEES AND Researcher: Federica Micoli Psychosocial & Psychoanalytic Studies University of Essex Date of submission for examination: 12 May 2 To Etagene, Daniel, Rahel, James, Prisca, Tesfai, Celse, David, Aminata,
Thesis submission
A thesis submitted for the PhD in Psychoanalytic Studies TITLE: HUMAN RIGHTS PRACTITIONERS’ APPROACH TO REFUGEES AND Researcher: Federica Micoli Psychosocial & Psychoanalytic Studies University of Essex Date of submission for examination: 12 May 2 To Etagene, Daniel, Rahel, James, Prisca, Tesfai, Celse, David, Aminata, Submission of Final Thesis. Following the viva voce examination for PhD students and once you have the approval of the internal examiner that you have met the requirements of the Examination Committee you follow these steps: Step 1: produce a hardbound copy of your thesis · In connection with submitting the thesis, PhD students must: Format your thesis according to the formatting guidelines. Register your thesis in VBN at: blogger.com Send an e-mail to Aalborg University Press, regarding choice of front pageEmail: aau@blogger.com

Land Acknowledgement
Submission of the final thesis/dissertation must be within 60 days of the final exam. Students who miss the 60 day submission deadline are ineligible to register in future terms Thesis Research Data Submission. All students are required to deposit the underlying data for their thesis in accordance with the University’s Research Data Management Policy. As part of your Data Management Plan (DMP), submitted at each progression review, you should discuss with your main supervisor whether your data can be Submission and examination of your thesis is the culmination of years of hard work. Ensuring that you plan for the submission of the thesis and understand the deadlines, requirements for presentation and binding and key stages of the process will help to reduce the stress associated with thesis submission
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